Sunday, September 19, 2010

No Words Ads

The simplicity of this ad (aside from the fact that it is a no words ad) is what caught my eye.  It takes no time to realize the bright red plate and the chopsticks are organized in a way that indicates it's a clock, and the question is immediately answered with the tagline at the bottom "Japanese food, served from 11am". It's simple, straightforward, and an eye catching way to present the benefits (in this case, the time the food is served). I like that the company took the fact that they serve food at 11am, which isn't really veyr interesting in any way, and turned it around to make an interesting ad out of it.

This I just love. I actually laughed when I found it because I've always heard about the shoe shiner ads that show just how shiny your shoes can be, but I've never come across one.  It's funny, and such a great and unique way to show the product's benefits.  I like this ad because, like the Japanese food ad above, shoe shiner is not exactly something someone would be interested in- its just sort of there. This ad takes the product and shows the benefits in a comedic light and I would actually mention this ad to people that might buy shoe shiner, like my uncles and dad.  Although I'm not exactly the target audience, I would definitely talk about this ad to others.

I'm attracted to any car ad that doesn't try to be overly sleek or doesn't show the car on an open road with great landscape in the background. This ad shows the car's benefits (the fact that's its a convertible) and instead takes Volvo's sworn promise to the consumer- that it is an incredibly safe car- and makes a joke out of it.  It's saying that if you're ever in the very rare situation where you're driving under a branch with incredibly large bee's nests, that's the only time where the car would be considered "almost completely safe" as opposed to completely safe, like it normally is.  I love it. It's clever and pokes fun at the car while also reassuring the customer about the safety of the car.

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